Catch-up time with your tribe = fuel for Creativity!

By Jan Gutowski, Creativity Coach

A cuppa coffee, and a cuppa inspiration!

Good morning! Taking an occasional break from the corporate hamster wheel to reconnect with those in your awesome-ness tribe should always be a priority! This is definitely one of the best ways to clear away the mental sludge from the work week which can get in the way of being creatively our best selves.

So picture this: it’s your day off, you wake up, and you have your whole day ahead of you. What are you going to do to make yourself better today? What are those things that you have in the back of your mind that you want to accomplish, yet never seem to have the time to get started; or perhaps you feel too cooked to start? As the saying goes, there’s no better time than the present; and each day is an opportunity to make positive progress as we travel along our life’s journey.

Sometimes a touch-base with a friend or a close colleague can provide those important reminders of how incredibly talented you are; and that your gifts are uniquely YOU! Our self-critical lens often blocks our inner creative from acknowledging our value; often resulting in lost momentum as we forge ahead chasing our North Star.

Today, I took the opportunity to turn down all the noise and treat myself to a wonderful breakfast with an old friend and peer mentor. We swapped recent experiences in weathering the great change of the past year or so; and shared some fresh insight on the trajectory of our individual life journeys. These moments are pure gold!

As for the rest of the day? Look out! My cup of inspiration is full, and I am heading into the rest of the day, knowing that my creativity is uniquely ME, and that my possibilities are limitless!

Have a creatively amazing day!


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