
Sunday February 3, 2019
WHIRLWIND Past Couple of Months – But So Grateful!

spiritual maintenance

Yes, I was “temporarily closed” from my site, but I’m BACK!  🙂

So, last August, I was given a great opportunity to help convert an older stage show into a “new & improved” stage show. The efforts officially began on September 1st, when the older show was struck. From that point until December 22, 2018, we were rebuilding, reshaping, reprocessing and rehearsing our little hearts out. Since that Christmas week, we have been fine-tuning; so suffice it to say, I have been busy, and have been putting my journaling/blogging on hold. But during this crazy time of being busy, I also gained some much-needed spiritual growth and a renewed awareness of where I’ve been and where I am going. So very grateful, since I am experiencing a higher sense of self-worth now than I have had in a long while! The show is also amazing!

Back in 2014, I had outlined a book idea based on professional learnings I had throughout my career; and how many of those learnings have overlapped into my personal quality of life. I’m happy to say that I have rekindled my spark for this novel idea (yes, both novel (adjective) and novel (noun) is used here). I now have 7 out of 17 chapters completed as first pass, and I’m looking forward to seeing where this journey takes me. Will the book ever be published?  Who knows?  But for me, that isn’t where I’m finding the most value. This book is enabling me to review key learnings in my life, both personal and professional; and it speaks to the journey of achieving a healthier self-esteem, which so many of us are finding ourselves on. No matter what the outcome of this, it is an exercise in creativity and an affirmation of who I am and what I am becoming.

This week the Creatively Your Best Self Facebook Group Page also went live. The page is a place for creativity to be shared, a place to be supported and encouraged, and a place to connect with others on a positive, higher frequency in order to become our best selves.

Things are happening, and I’m so excited that I can bring others along for the ride!


Monday August 6, 2018
Getting Back on Track – Making Time for Happiness

get back on track

This week will be quite full with some “busy-ness” at work, but I can see some light at the end of the tunnel, and I have some much-needed time off next week to decompress and work on some things that I’ve been wanting to put into motion for me.

Today was spent with family. We went over to Epcot to have lunch at our favorite restaurant, Teppan Edo, in the Japan Pavilion. We’ve been taking the kids there since they were little, and they still love it. Next week will be Emily’s last week of summer vacation before she goes back to school, and Christopher begins his senior year (all college classes this year!) on the 20th. The summer has flown by! My favorite craft stores and home décor stores are already chock-full of Halloween, so I am feeling pretty good!

Next week I am also turning 49 years old – I have so much weight to lose, but overall I feel good. When walking around Epcot today with upper 90s temps and 100% humidity, I felt that I was doing okay, so I know that my health is in my hands, and that I still have the power to do an “about face” and get back to being healthy. My mom was back in the hospital this week, and it is always a reality check for me when she is there. My family history is not one to mess around with, so another incentive to start making progress.

I feel like today was a great day!  I made time to be happy and spend time with family, Dave and I were holding hands in the park, and I had several moments of realizing how proud I am of my kids, knowing that they have a lifetime filled with excitement and adventure in front of them.

The little things are what matter. Taking time to live one day at a time makes all the difference in achieving true happiness.




Monday June 4, 2018
Busy Week – Fell Away From Journaling, But I’m Back!


This past week was very busy, and I feel as though I lost focus on what is really important. Where I work, it is really easy to get caught up in the silly drama, and I think I let that in a bit more than I should have this week. Don’t get me wrong, everything is okay, it’s just that I feel that I should be achieving more, and this becomes an internal source of frustration.

I found the quote/image above and it resonated with me, since I do feel that I’m always having to prove myself. I seem to get additional work project opportunities, but they don’t seem to be moving me forward financially or up the ladder. My challenge this week is to not let this “glass ceiling environment” define me – there is more I want to accomplish, including writing a novel or a series of novels (I have some ideas – just need to start putting pen to paper), and to create more art. I have to work harder on MY goals…  I believe in a healthy work ethic and putting out a strong performance for my employer; but I don’t feel I should have to give them my whole heart & soul. That is mine, and it should be something I safeguard for me and for those I love. My natural fear of failure has put me in a situation where I give EVERYTHING I HAVE to my workplace. Not a healthy decision.

Refocus:  Need to make time for my personal goals and dreams. I’ve given too much of myself and my talents to my day job. Even if I cut my efforts by 25%-ish, I would still continue to be a high performer. It’s time for some “talent budgeting” so that I can start CREATING!  🙂



Monday May 21, 2018
Making Progress – Still much to do

This week was productive, and some wonderful relationship-building was taking place at work. It was a time to be honest and upfront, and the outcome was so positive.  I look forward to some better days ahead!

I also had a successful first week of improving my attitude toward food and my overall wellness. I did, however, have a graduation party with lots of great food, and I did let myself slip a bit today; but the difference is I don’t feel out of control. I am not setting a time frame on this goal, since it will be for life. One day at a time, as the saying goes!  🙂

Tomorrow begins a busy week, and it is my hope that by the end of it, I can again look back and be grateful for the small successes along the way. Have a great evening!


Sunday May 13, 2018
Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


The older I get, the more I realize how powerful a feeling of gratitude can be on my overall feeling of well-being. It’s all too easy to get wrapped up in the daily stresses (which many of them do not really matter anyway) and forget how fortunate we really are for the gifts in our lives.

Today, I am thankful for a simple life which consists of a wonderful family, an overall stable job, enough income to get by and a few good friends.  Today is an uneventful day so far, and sometimes those can be the BEST days!  So, I raise my glass of Riesling on this Mother’s Day, and I feel so much appreciation for the little things!

Have a great Sunday!


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