
Feeling the Success!!

May 15, 2018
Day TWO – no cake!

Okay, so we’re on a roll!!!  (roll…  of course, a food reference!  ha!) I’ve managed a successful second day, and what’s more:  I said “no thanks” to delicious cake at an office party today!  That NEVER happens!  🙂

I did have a couple of squares of chocolate this evening, but it was not a huge deal. I don’t believe in denying oneself, as long as the moderation rule is still in force.

A big achievement today:  There was a LOT of stress and just plain crazy (stupid) stuff going on at work today, and those are generally my triggers for unhealthy eating. Although today was not the best day, I managed to keep the food aspect separate from this issue. THAT, my friends, was one heck of an accomplishment!

Hoping for a great day tomorrow!


May 14, 2018
First day of my “new commitment” was a success!

Today’s eating was a success!  I am starting with small steps to help be more in control. I’m still eating the foods that I like, but I am being more conscious of portion size and inserting some leafy greens & drinking more water. I got a chance to use my new infused water bottle today, which bears the logo of one of my favorite Disney Resorts, Disney’s Wilderness Lodge. The little basket on the inside holds lemon, lime and apple slices. I’ve had 8 refills so far today. Yay!

infused water

Memory which gave me a positive boost today:  Disney’s Wilderness Lodge – I had the pleasure and honor to have been a member of the opening crew of this beautiful place back in 1994. This was a wonderful time in my life, and I was surrounded by amazing, supportive teammates. Since that time, I have had the chance to return there in other roles in 2004 and again in 2011. WONDERFUL place!

Hoping for another successful day tomorrow! Have a wonderful night!


May 13, 2018
So, yes, I REALLY need to get focused on a wellness plan…

eat and feel like crap

As I have said before, for me to be where I need to be weight-wise, I would need to lose the equivalent of a “soaking wet jawa” (a.k.a. small person – I just love Star Wars!)

I remember with great fondness the time when I was a size 6-ish. Things just felt better all around, and it is amazing how the world views an overweight person versus a thin person. It shouldn’t matter, but it really does.

Losing weight and getting healthier is something we all know how to do, but it can be so darn hard to get into the right mindset!  That has been my struggle. Starting now, though, I am committed to making small steps toward progress. I am committed to not thinking of this as a number or a particular size; but more of a state of mind, and a way of feeling. Simply put, I want to be a healthier middle-aged person & I want to be around for my family for as long as I can be. Family medical history can really catch up with us, and obesity really stacks the odds against maintaining a healthy existence.

So, for the first “baby step”, I will be cutting my intake of diet soda (one of my weaknesses), and switching to infused water. A former colleague sent me a wonderful water bottle designed to hold bits of fruit/vegetables to add a healthy boost to my 64 oz (or more) per day.

A healthy mindset will also help me achieve wellness success. I can look back to when my spiral started and it was about 14 years ago. I experienced some insecurity, anxiety and perhaps even a bit of depression over some not-so-great changes in my life at that time. Comfort eating and stress eating became a daily thing, and I soon began to feel my self-worth declining which compounded the problem. I’m slowly becoming more aware and empowered to make the changes I need to be happy. It’s not easy, but I realize that I cannot continue on the path I’ve been on.

I’m excited to be on a new path to wellness!  More to come!!!


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