The inner voice – wield its power for good!

By Jan Gutowski, Creativity Coach

I’m currently taking a course which is reviewing some incredibly important aspects on the power of our self-talk, and how this inner voice can really be the killer of our creativity if we allow it to be. We all have an inner voice that evolved from our life experiences, both good and bad; and we often hear that voice play like a broken record in our heads. It especially appears to be playing at high volume when we are facing a challenge, or embarking on a self-improvement adventure. We all have it; but we also have the power to see it for what it really is, offer up a prayer of gratitude that it does NOT control us, and then listen closer for the inner voice inside that knows our true worth and potential. THAT is the one we want broadcasting loud and clear!

First of all, let it be said that I am so thankful in these moments when I immediately recognize that my silly, negative inner voice that criticizes my talent or tries to diminish my self-confidence is just a whiny little beotch. It is the compilation of any presence in my life which may have tried to knock me down, judge my abilities, or tried to force-feed me a guilt sandwich for manipulative purposes. As much as I try not to waste too much time analyzing the past, I know that those who have personified this negative inner self-talk are those who really had some serious personal issues of their own; and experienced gratification in bringing others down. Moreover, I was a child at the time of these attempted mental sabotages, and I didn’t have the life experience and maturity to see something for what it really is. Sadly, it is human nature to give credibility to the negative self-talk; especially if the message had come from someone who we once looked up to, or saw as a credible figure in our lives.

With age and life experience comes a broader perspective. Once we are aware that this negativity does not serve a positive purpose, it is up to us to mute this nasty inner voice any time it tries to creep back into our heads. Then we will be able to give our positive inner voice the spotlight!

A helpful tool to get rid of any self-sabotaging thoughts is to journal them, first thing in the morning, so that they can be released and out of the way. This is called free-flow writing; and even if it feels nonsensical, it is highly effective in bleeding out any limiting thoughts or beliefs which can get in the way of being creatively your best self. Think of it as a therapeutic cleanse to start your day! If the words in your journal happen to turn into images, that is okay, since that also serves as a release of expression and feeling.

Being aware of our inner voice and how it speaks to us is an ongoing consciousness we need to have. You are so individual, and so awesome! Do not give power to anything that diminishes your self-worth and self-perception of your talents!

Treat yourself to some creative time today!


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