Reflection on a new season of being my best self

By Jan Gutowski
May 21, 2023

I am just over one year into a new career, and I have been asked if I have spent any time looking back on my previous career situation. The answer is, yes I have! I learned some important things. First, I still feel so much gratitude for the wonderful growth and development I had received from my previous organization and experiences. In good times and bad, there were always opportunities to learn more about myself and others; and I am happy to say that I feel I took full advantage of that professional education.

The hindsight that I have experienced since making the move to a new organization has provided so much clarity on who I am, where I have been, and where I am going. My priorities are clear, my boundaries are reasonable and healthy, and I am incredibly happy! The greatest prizes in this new situation have been the unquestioned reality that I am valued, and the new lease on life that I have been given through the balance of career/life boundaries. Having a consistent schedule with dedicated time off for family is a miracle that I will never take for granted.

There is still much to do on this journey, and this is only the beginning. Yes, there are still some butterflies about the unknown; however, the feeling is more excitement, since I know who I am, what I am capable of, and that I will ALWAYS land on solid ground.

This past year, I have made a consistent habit is self care and rewarding myself. Life can be hard, and we don’t give ourselves recognition for meeting the challenges we face and just plain persevering through it all! I have learned to be so thankful for the small rewards, such as treating myself to Starbucks, taking time to play with watercolor or other mediums, and taking a walk with the dog in a new place, and taking a nap now and then. These “treats” may not seem like a lot, but they have made a huge difference in how I show up in every area of my life. I have, admittedly, spent too much time in my middle-age years not recognizing my worth; and now that I know, I feel like I’ve kicked into a whole new gear of loving life.

This past weekend, I spent some time with my daughter in Boston, and it was great to catch up and just take in some of the local flavor:

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a great week!


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