Recognizing your value – the greatest gift you can give yourself! (part 1)

October 29, 2021
By Jan Gutowski, Creativity Coach

When you know your worth, you’ll play a whole different game.”


As coaches, our job is to assist others along their developmental journey; and the most incredible reward from working in this field is apparent when we see a client truly recognize their value, and appreciate themselves as an individual who is capable of SO much more than they have been settling for! The evolutionary growth which takes place as we explore what it means to be living our best lives begins by recognizing how our experiences have contributed to shaping our beliefs throughout the course of our journey. Whether we are aware of it or not, the beliefs we have adopted about ourselves have played a starring role in determining how high we have set the bar as it relates to our ability to achieve success, whatever that might look like to each of us.

Let’s review a time when we may have noticed that our feelings of self-worth were low; perhaps at a time when we may have felt stuck in a career rut (maybe that is where some of us are right now) or due to other factors. When we take a step back to explore this, it is important to choose which of the following directions we most identify with as being our present course:

  1. I am staying put and will simply adjust my standards, since I believe that this is as good as it will ever get, or…
  2. I choose to take action by facing the present reality of my limiting beliefs. I am formulating an action plan with consistent and helpful accountability (i.e. working with a coach or mentor); and from this place, I am embarking on a new and improved reality!

If we are in the weeds as it relates to our perceived self-worth, hopefully our choice is to get warm and fuzzy with option 2. Let’s focus on more details of this example as it could pertain to feeling stuck in a career rut. First, it should be noted that not all stalled careers are the result of ill-intentioned bosses. Sometimes, we just become really good at something, and then we become known for it, and then before we know it, we become a cornerstone which must remain as is and will always be. This scenario may receive positive spin labels such as “subject matter expert”, or “the only one who can do this job”, which might have an initial feeling of flattery; however, if you are experiencing this trend, this may be your red flag to start asking yourself some probing questions.

Before anything else, sit down with yourself and list the pros and cons of your present career scenario (really, write them down, and take the necessary time to really explore it!). There is definitely impact from getting the list out of your head and actually seeing it on paper. After reviewing your completed pro/con list, assess where you are. If where you are isn’t setting your soul on fire, then you might want to do some additional exploratory work with a mentor or a coach to help train your brain to see the possibilities. When you begin to see beyond your status quo, it may become apparent that you have been unintentionally buying into some limiting beliefs about your potential; and hence, doing injustice to your personal brand.

Understanding and appreciating your unique value, or, as it is said in the Marketing world, your unique selling point (USP), will require holding up the self-awareness mirror to identify your present truth by recognizing your strengths and your opportunities. Start with the strengths, since these are the foundational bits with which we construct our launch pad. Noteworthy point: We all have strengths and we all have opportunities. Perfection ain’t a thing, so don’t waste your valuable efforts expecting it! Accept that you are an amazing human, but still a human!

Share your list with a trusted partner, mentor or coach and discuss how you feel about your discoveries. Ask for their insights; and be prepared to listen, absorb, and then draw up your action plan to raise the bar on your personal branding.

Congratulations! You have taken the first step toward coming up for air to review your present scenario from a new vantage point. You are taking steps toward remembering what you’re made of, and turning this rekindled awareness into rocket fuel to help you achieve a higher level of success!

In part 2, we will review “Who is the Real Boss of You?”, and how that impacts the way we see ourselves and our self-worth.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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